Islamic Months  Muharram  Safar  Rabiul-Awwal  Rabiul-Akhir  Jamadil-Awwal  Jamadil-Akhir  Rajjab  Shaba’an  Ramada’an  Shawaal  Dhul Qa’dah  Dhul-Hajjah...


Fasting – The Fourth Pillar of Islam The fourth pillar of Islam is Fasting, which requires Muslims to fast during the sacred month of Ramadan. Ramadan fasting rules are that every pubescent Muslim is obligated to observe fasting, refraining from food, drink, and...


Zakat – The Third Pillar of Islam Zakat, stands as the third pillar of Islam and is obligatory for every financially capable Muslim whose income meets or exceeds the prescribed amount by Sharia (Nisaab), in addition to their essential expenses. Zakat is a fundamental...


A Daily Prayer The second pillar of Islam, the daily 5 prayers of Islam, symbolize a believer’s submission to Allah عَزَّ وَجَلَّ and serve as a public display of their commitment to Islam. This pillar holds immense significance, ranking after the Shahada. It is...


Shahadah The First Pillar of Islam The importance of faith in Islam becomes profoundly evident when we examine the core tenets of this religion. Among the Five Pillars of Islam, the declaration of faith (Shahadah) holds a position of unparalleled significance. It is...


What Is Hajj in Islam? Hajj, the fifth pillar of Islam, is a pilgrimage undertaken to the holy city of Makkah during the month of Zul-Ḥijjah. The date of hajj in Islamic calendar begins on the 8th of Dhul Hijjah and lasts until the 13th of Dhul Hijjah. This profound...